We are a vertically integrated business, turning water into milk via specialised in-house operational divisions.
Through the use of technology, we collect hundreds of thousands of operational data points every single day across the business. This insight into our operations complements the intrinsic knowledge gained over years of experience and enables us to make sound decisions for the benefit of our people, our cows and our environment.
We farm sustainably by returning nutrients to the land, minimising waste and using water efficiently through modern irrigation systems.
We grow a variety of feeds for our cows over thousands of hectares. Our corn, cereal and lucerne crops are grazed or harvested for silage to be fed to the herd.
We apply compost and recycled nutrients to our land. Our cropping rotations are designed to build soil health and structure, so our land remains fertile and productive.
Cows that are healthy, well-fed and well-nurtured are the key to our incredible milk. Their wellbeing is our priority.
From birth to maturity, we aim for the highest standard of wellbeing by caring for our cows and creating an environment where they are respected and promoted with a focus on cow comfort, team training, veterinary support and assurance programs.
Our calves are nurtured 24 hours a day in specially designed accommodation that protects them from the elements. Each calf is monitored, fed and cared for individually to ensure the best possible start in life. After all, they are the future generation of our herd.
Our milking cows live in state of the art barns, providing them year round comfort and protection from heat, wind and rain. Our cows are free to socialise, eat and drink as they choose or rest in a bed of clean fresh sand.
We consult with the world’s best dairy nutritionists to ensure each ingredient fed is providing our cows with the nourishment they need to thrive at each stage of life. Our silage is grown locally on our farms, so we know exactly what we are feeding our cows.
Our cows are milked using state of the art technology, including eighty stall rotary milking parlours. We ensure the milking process is comfortable for our cows so that it becomes an enjoyable part of their daily routine.
Young Stock
Our young stock are nurtured in the calf nursery and automated feeding barn. Once they are old enough, heifers are either raised at Ladysmith Farms or grazed in paddocks.
Waste to Energy
The green energy produced by the bio-digester is used to power the dairy operations at Moxey Farms, with surplus electricity exported and sold to the public grid. As a result, positive benefits are shared beyond the farmgate as families and businesses in surrounding towns are able to use the green energy generated by the dairy.
The green energy produced by the bio-digester is used to power the dairy operations at Moxey Farms, with surplus electricity exported and sold to the public grid. As a result, positive benefits are shared beyond the farmgate as families and businesses in surrounding towns are able to use the green energy generated by the dairy.
The bio-digester also preserves and unlocks the nutrient value of waste, and changes the state of nutrients so they can be applied to growing crops. Nitrogen and phosphorous are recovered and used as valuable crop inputs via precision application. This is an important contribution to the health of our soil and groundwater.
Waste is broken down in an enclosed, controlled environment. Odour producing gases are captured, reclaimed and utilised as fuel in biogas engines that generate electricity. Effluent and solids coming out of the digester are biologically stable, have low odour and do not require additional composting.
We continue to source elite Holstein genetics to develop our herd. We embrace advanced breeding programs to promote traits that support our herd health and wellbeing objectives.
Moxey Farms is home to WAVE Ag Tech, a global partnership between AFMH and World Wide Sires. WAVE operates out of a world-class IVF facility, one of the largest in the southern hemisphere and is focused on the production of Grade 1 embryos.